Breathe Easy Soup
“When the science of medicine reaches perfection, treatment will be given by foods, aliments, fragrant fruits and vegetables, and by various waters, hot and cold in temperature.” ~Abdu’l-Baha Breathe Easy Soup recipe contains medicinal foods to support the respiratory tract and immune system during a viral or bacterial infection. For many who are feeling congested…
You’ve Got Omicron: What To Do Now? – with Dr. Darvish
Dr. Darvish discusses some supportive home therapies for Covid-19 and Omicron. She shares lifestyle practices, foods, and supplements to incorporate into one’s daily life to reduce risks and help the immune system fight infections. Any information shared on this podcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended to make claims, diagnose, or treat….
Goodbye 2021!
Goodbye to the Final Sunrise of 2021! Dear 2021, Thank you for all the experiences, The opportunities for growth, The love, the healing, and the sacrifices you forced unto me, Unto us, and unto our world. I will never be the same, Nor will we. 2021, you transformed me and taught me lessons I…
Pomegranate Arugula Quinoa Salad
“What will be the food of the future? Fruit and grains. The time will come when meat will no longer be eaten. Medical science is only in its infancy, yet it has shown that our natural diet is that which grows out of the ground. The people will gradually develop up to the condition of…
The Grail Test: A Cutting Edge Cancer Detection Test with Dr. Whitney Jones & Dr. Darvish
Early detection of cancer for some of the more aggressive cancers was not available until just recently. Dr. Whitney Jones, MD joins me on this episode to discuss cancer, and a new cutting-edge early cancer detection test, Galleri test from Grail labs, now available at Holistique. Over 50 different cancers can now possibly be detected…
Freeing Oneself from Chronic Fatigue with Dr. Uzma & Dr. Darvish
Chronic Fatigue syndrome can be complicated to resolve. Dr. Uzma, in an interview with Dr. Darvish, shares her journey of overcoming chronic fatigue by addressing the whole person. From chronic infections to nutrition to ozone therapy to emotional clearing, Dr. Uzma and Dr. Darvish explore true healing from chronic fatigue. This episode is for educational…
Do you need a Testosterone Boost?
Low testosterone impacts both men and women at many levels of health, increasing risks of early death, especially in men. Testosterone therapy alone is often not enough. An integrated approach looking at diet, lifestyle, nutrition, herbal medicine, exercise, and stress management is imperative for proper testosterone correction. Join Dr. Darvish as she explores an integrative…
Men, Young or Old, Do You Need a T Boost?
“Looking after one’s health is done with two intentions. Man may take good care of his body for the purpose of satisfying his personal wishes. Or, he may look after his health with the good intention of serving humanity and of living long enough to perform his duty toward mankind. The latter is most commendable.” – Abdu’l-Baha…
Foods and Supplements for Breast Cancer Risk Reduction
Dr. Darvish explores foods to reduce breast cancer risks. She then discusses some of her favorite supplements for breast cancer prevention. Please note that this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide treatments, diagnosis, or claims on any products. Please seek the advice of your own provider or one of…
Never Give Up! – A story of Overcoming Neurological Lyme Disease
Dr. Darvish interviews her patient, Carmen McKnight who never gives up in her fight against chronic Lyme and neurological Lyme disease. Carmen shares her story of how she beat this devastating neurological Lyme disease. Her message: “Yes. It’s possible to beat Lyme. Never give up!” Let’s learn how she overcame this supposedly untreatable condition. Watch…