Food for Oxytocin

“…in this wonderful new age the development of medical science will lead to the doctors healing their patients with foods.” -‘Abdu’l-Baha
Food is a vital part of life on this earth. Plants, animals and humans, we all need food to not only survive but thrive. What, when, and how we eat can make a difference between us feeling good, great or sick. And because hormones and neuropeptides (proteins that affect the nervous system) for example, play a vital role in our wellbeing and longevity, making sure we nourish ourselves and our children can make a huge impact on our individual and collective health and aging.
Food for oxytocin, the first hormone in the hormone hierarchy as discussed in Chapter 12 of ‘The Golden Gate’ book, provides no exemption.
When I refer to ‘food’ in this case, I’m referring not only to nourishing our physical body with nutritious organic whole foods but also our emotional, social and spiritual states.
Ways to Nourish Oxytocin:
We have learnt so far in Chapter 12 of ‘The Golden Gate: Unleash Your Feminine Powers to Graceful Aging’ several ways to nourish this love hormone, oxytocin. Meditation, connection with one’s Higher Spiritual Self, and social interactions present key methods of activating oxytocin to build relationships, community and longevity.
You will find a more comprehensive list of ways to increase oxytocin on page 235 of ‘The Golden Gate’ book but here in this blog we will focus on physical food for oxytocin production.
Nutrients and Foods to support oxytocin production:
Incorporating foods in our diet that provide the building blocks to support oxytocin production can be valuable to our longevity. Best to aim for foods that have higher omega-3 fatty acid content, and contain higher amounts of taurine, zinc, B6 and magnesium. Vitamin D and C also act as building blocks for oxytocin production, so make sure to include foods containing those vitamins.
You may wish to study the list below and incorporate at least 2-3 servings of 1-3 of the foods listed in your diet each day. Eating variety of foods in your diet from day to day and within each day helps your body maintain balance and health.
Food sources for oxytocin support include:
Omega 3 fatty acids such wild salmon, cod, sardines, mackerel, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts
Healthy fats: hard-boiled or soft boiled eggs, avocado, raw nuts and seeds
Vitamin C: fresh fruits and veggies especially kiwi, citrus, strawberries
Zinc and magnesium: Pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, nuts and seeds, organic sprouted soybeans, black beans, spinach, avocado
Taurine: organic meats, eggs, and shellfish or take a good quality taurine supplement as KHOSH Formulas product called Serenity.
Make sure to get sufficient sun for at least 15 minutes per day in the morning, as often as possible. Sun rays in regions around the equator allow for better absorption and utilization of vitamin D in our bodies.
You may also choose to take a high quality vitamin D3 supplement, such as from KHOSH Formulas.
Remember food is medicine. We can use food to nourish and heal ourselves or make ourselves sick. It is our mindful choice. What do you choose?
Dr. Nooshin K. Darvish is a Washington board-licensed Naturopathic Doctor, certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine with a Fellowship in Integrative Cancer Therapies. She is the founder and Chief Medical Officer of Holistique Naturopathic Medical Center and Holistique IV Lounge. A 1995 graduate, former Chief Resident, and an Affiliate Faculty of Bastyr University, with more than 25 years of clinical practice, Dr. Darvish practices Regenerative, Naturopathic, and Integrative medicine with a passion to assist patients in their transformation towards physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. As a physician, writer, educator, lecturer, and speaker, her mission is to inspire others to become 'agents of transformation'.